Archive for the ‘Human Trafficking & Human Rights’ Category

Two boys cross a bridge in Kambia, Sierra Leone, carrying an array of items for sale. In the country’s Eastern Province, where Baindu lives, 33% of children under 18 have experienced some form of child trafficking.
Image for Prevalence Reduction Innovation Forum at UGA
SSWR Presentations program cover
Graphic of headhsots from those attending APM Conference
Graphic with professors and information about $2.2M Grant awarded to CenHTRO
Image of Elyssa Schroeder leaning on sign
Image of blurry foot-traffic
Photo of person stepping out of a creek
APRIES End Slavery logo
Professor David Okech teaches a class at the School of Social Work.
Professor David Okech teaches a class at the School of Social Work.
Professor David Okech teaches a class at the School of Social Work.
Elyssa Shroeder

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