We envision a world where social workers are at the forefront of advocating on behalf of individuals, communities and service agencies in promoting social justice, using the best science to resolve grand challenges, and celebrating the many aspects of diversity. This is why our curriculum focuses on understanding power and oppression, promoting social justice, using evidence-informed practices, engaging in advocacy and celebrating diversity. PrOSEAD® – pronounced “proceed” – informs our curriculum, research and engagement, from the individual to global level.


Certain sections of populations are more privileged than others in accessing resources. Through education, research and service we identify privilege issues and their causes, and how they impact individuals and various segments of society. Graduates can use this understanding to better serve clients and communities who experience disenfranchisement and marginalization.


We seek ways to more effectively identify root causes of systems of oppression, in order to better empower oppressed groups in ways that ensure fair and just treatment for all and prevent further marginalization.

Social Justice

We believe social justice occurs when systems of all sizes (individuals, families, communities) are able, safely and dependably, to obtain the civil and human rights and resources they need to thrive. These include but are not limited to health, economic growth, inclusion; safety, freedom to move about the world; social support, food security, a clean environment, education, employment, childcare and housing.

Evidence-Informed Practice

Evidence-informed practice includes finding and employing the best available evidence to select interventions for every client or group of clients, while also incorporating client preferences and actions, clinical state, and circumstances.


We teach effective advocacy and systems change skills that our graduates use to promote human rights at the individual and system levels. Our researchers also advance understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to enhance advocacy efforts.


In order to encourage productive communication and create safe spaces for healing and growth, those who work in a service or change agent capacity must value individuals free from personal prejudice regarding all kinds of differences. These include, but are not limited to, differences of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious and political beliefs.

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