The Information Technology Service Unit (ITS) is located on the second floor of the School of Social Work building. We focus on service, training, and proactive strategies which will support and enhance instructional, research and learning activities at the School of Social Work. Our goal is to inspire students and educators toward continuous improvement in IT literacy and creativity,  and promote technology as an essential tool to accomplish goals aligning with the overall mission and vision of the school.

Functions and services include:

  • Client Support and Service – client support and consulting, installation / configuration of hardware and software, troubleshooting, purchasing, training
  • Classroom and Instructional Support and Service – integration of technology in the classroom, management of technology & spaces
  • Web Development – web development/delivery, web site maintenance, administrative database development, resource management
  • Network Service – network/server management, wireless and internet support

To request IT help and or support, email


Sam Cook, Director
(706) 542-5457
219 SSW Building

Robert Rysiew, IT Professional Principal
(706) 542-2426
205 SSW Building

Yue Li, Application Analyst Associate
(706) 542-5377
203 SSW Building

Student tech analysts are available at various times throughout the day. They can be found at the main help desk on the second floor of the School of Social Work building. For individual consultations and special project requests, please schedule an appointment via

Policies & Procedures

Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for the management of technology resources and implementing technology goals and objectives at the School of Social Work. Please review policies and procedures below to get familiar with the resources and procedures we offer. Contact ITS support at if you have any questions.

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