A major portion of graduate social work education involves practicum education. As the signature pedagogy, practicum education is the heart of social work education. Practicum experiences that blend classroom learning with real world experiences help maximize student growth and competency development.
Practicum education constitutes 16 credits of the 60 credits required to earn the MSW in the full program and 10 of the 40 credits in the advanced standing program. Our program requires 312 clock hours at a human services organization for generalist practicum (3 credits each of two semesters) and 600 clock hours at an agency for specialization practicum (5 credits each of two semesters).
MSW students enter their generalist practicum placement in the fall semester and spend two semesters in the same organization. The second practicum experience builds on the generalist practicum and provides for the acquisition of in-depth knowledge and skills in social work roles in a specialization area consistent with the student’s selected track of micro, macro, or integrated practice.
The goals for competence training in practicum education include:
- Technical proficiency in a specialization area.
- Application and testing of theory and knowledge in natural social work settings.
- Incorporation of knowledge and skills necessary for understanding and utilizing social work ethics, values, and goals in day-to-day practice and refinement of professional awareness, judgment, and decision-making abilities.
- Understanding of the interdependence of the range of social work roles and skill, from interpersonal to macro levels, within various settings and fields of service.
- Engagement in practice with diverse cultural and racial groups and with groups who have been consistently affected by social, economic, and legal bias or oppression.
Most placement sites require comprehensive background checks and/or drug testing.